
Actors that you love!

11 years 7 months ago #45661 by BUBBADOG14
I came across some old school stuff recently and found my O'level litrature course work. I had to do an essay on Apartheid and write a small play explaining about it and the stories of Steve Biko and Nelson Mandela. While researching this I watched the film Cry Freedom the story of Steve Biko and Biko was played by Denzel Washington. His acting of Steve Biko ripped my heart in 2 and effected me. I got an A* for my work.I also saw the film Philadelphia which is in my top 5 fav films, the acting of both Denzel Washington & Tom Hanks is amazing !I still love Denzel Washington and any film he's in I watch without a thought to the storyline. Who would you say is your favorite Actor?

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11 years 7 months ago #45690 by Jana
Replied by Jana on topic Re: Actors that you love!
So many of the actors I grew up with and grew to love are now gone, but I would have to say that my favorite for some time now has been Kevin Costner. He just has this way about him, not sure how to put it into words, that I love to watch. He can play the toughest character and yet, show a sensitive side that just gets to me.

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11 years 7 months ago #45695 by BUBBADOG14
He hasn't been in any new films recently has he? The last film I remember seeing him in was 'The Postman' That was a good film. But of course his most remembered film will always be 'The Bodyguard' with the late great Whitney Houston.

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11 years 7 months ago #45707 by Jana
Replied by Jana on topic Re: Actors that you love!
I loved "The Postman" also "Mr. Brooks" where he plays a sort of Jekyll and Hyde kind of character. He has been in a TV mini-series, "The Hatfields and McCoys" which was quite good as well. I think, though, I liked him best in the westerns he has done like "Dancing with Wolves" and "Open Range". I believe he has 2 movies in production right now for release in 2013, but I don't know what they are about. OH, and another older one, "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" was excellent. There was a lot of humor in it, all of the characters were interesting and there was "the scene" where he is swimming nude and supposedly we get to see his bum, but alas, I found out later it was a body double because Costner himself, does not like his own naked body. I think I was depressed for days after that... ; D

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11 years 7 months ago #45711 by BUBBADOG14
Kevin Costner has been around for a while now, a 'old' hand in the film and tv scene. But I hate to say it but the new 'actors' that are about today don't really excite me! I prefer your Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson type! I do like Jason Statham, he's good looking and a hardman at the sametime!

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #46454 by tessa
Replied by tessa on topic Re: Actors that you love!
I'm coming in late, I know, but hey girls, to go back to Kevin Costner, I just had a chance to watch 'Wyatt Earp' last night. WOW! An over three-hour movie with him as well as other great actors...What a treat!
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by tessa.

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