As well as his space exploration and electric vehicles, tech tycoon Elon Musk has another side hustle - Neuralink - a company looking at the feasibility of implanting probes directly into the human brain to allow for wireless communication with devices such as phones and computers.
Musk views the meshing of brain and machine as a vital component in ensuring human supremacy over rapidly evolving AI technology and believes that one day, his pioneering brain implants will be as commonplace as owning an iPhone.
For people living with physical and communication difficulties these ambitions open up a world of possibilities such as controlling robotic limbs to driving mobility devices through the power of thought alone.
But Dr. Tom Chau, based at the Holland Bloomview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto and a specialist in communication disorders offers a word of caution. He believes there are more advantages with the wearable versions and their implantable counterparts could be a step too far.
"Implant procedures carry a risk of infection, haemorrhage, and tissue injury," he says. "There are reports of degraded signal quality over time from implanted devices and hence a subsequent surgery may be required."
In contrast, he says the wearable systems, like the one Chris is trialling, come with advantages.
"For one, users are no longer tethered to a computer display and are thus free to move through their environment."
US telecommunications giant Verizon has already spotted the Cognixion ONE's potential. It has bought the assisted reality start-up into its Forward For Good team which works with socially conscious start-ups.
It is hoped the device will be available to consumers by the end of 2025, subject to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval which, in turn, has agreed to fast-track the process.
For Chris, the technology's potential is tantalizing. Used to socialising and loud clubs, he says it has made his working life easier and made "all my interactions more enjoyable rather than a basic conversation being taxing and frustrating".
He says: "I can connect with my crowd better. Plus, it looks super cool and is something I actually want to use when I'm out and about."
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