
Disability Living Allowance reform

13 years 4 months ago #32625 by Able_Here_Team
Disability Living Allowance reform – public consultation
This consultation seeks your views on the Government‘s proposals to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) with a new benefit – Personal Independence Payment. The Personal Independence Payment will continue to be a non-means tested, extra costs benefit. It will help disabled people remove the barriers they face to leading full and independent lives. This consultation asks for views to inform our policy for reforming DLA and introducing a new objective assessment. The consultation applies to England, Wales and Scotland.

The consultation is aimed primarily at disability organisations and disabled people, but we would like to hear from anybody who is interested.


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13 years 4 months ago #32898 by brett
read: pip - an attack on the disabled - lets victimise them some more by reassessing them all and claiming they are fit for work -DONT LAUGH ITS GONNA HAPPEN !! -you been warned

- everyone on DLA will be required to have a medical reassessment in 2012-2013 and you can bet your a** that the prime aim will be to save money - NOT the welfare of the claimant

so if you on DLA start gathering any medical evidence you can now as to your condition /abilities etc - cos you are going to need it !!


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13 years 4 months ago #32899 by brett
read: pip - an attack on the disabled - lets victimise them some more by reassessing them all and claiming they are fit for work -DONT LAUGH ITS GONNA HAPPEN !! -you been warned

- everyone on DLA will be required to have a medical reassessment in 2012-2013 and you can bet your a** that the prime aim will be to save money - NOT the welfare of the claimant

so if you on DLA start gathering any medical evidence you can now as to your condition /abilities etc - cos you are going to need it !!


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13 years 3 months ago #33268 by BUBBADOG14
That is the last thing I need to here! It has took me nearly 14yrs to fight these people to give me DLA open with no reassesment dates on it!:sick: Years before that I was given reassesment dates to reply and every time I did it I was left hanging for weeks worried till I got that famous brown envelope!:( I had to get my husband to open it cause I was a mess not knowing what they would say.:unsure: Now you are telling me I have to go through this all over again?:ohmy:

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13 years 3 months ago #33274 by Karl
Yes, everyone is going to be tested again! DLA is going to become Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

I am deeply concerned about these proposals and that this disability benefit is going to be made even harder to claim. What is concerning me the most is that people who are able to claim DLA will not be able to claim it under the new proposals.

For example, people who are in receipt of High Rate Mobility (HRM) are unable or virtually unable to walk and this is the basis of being able to claim HRM. Under the new proposals the word walking is to be replaced with the word mobilise. The PIP proposal will take into account aids that people use such as wheelchairs, like myself. Under these proposals the new PIP criteria will assess how people are able to get themselves about using wheelchairs and will make it much harder for people who use them to be able to claim the equivalent of HRM.

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13 years 3 months ago #33292 by brett
well i just hope everyone responded to the consultation !! - i did and reproduce it below ( sorry its a bit long - but i hope you agree with my points - well they asked !! - and i don't pull punches :evil: )
copied verbatim

here to my response as a disabled person in receipt of DLA - i not that you have NOT made responding easy - WHY no on line form to respond with ?? - why has the government NOT sent a paper copy to each DLA recipient for comment ?? - already we see discrimination against those who may not have Internet access - or may not be computer savvy - or is this part of the plan ?? if we as a group , do not respond then you will assume that we are happy and agree with what you propose ?? - PLEASE bear in mind that many of the organisations and groups consulted do NOT speak for individuals who may have no contact with them - whatever i respond as follows :

1. What are the problems or barriers that prevent disabled people participating
in society and leading independent, full and active lives?

in many cases total disregard of existing legislation - no enforcement of legislation - prejudice by people and employers against disabled people - and in many cases lack of money , as many disabled people live on or below the nationally defined \"poverty\" levels - the simple fact is that disability incurs extra costs that \"able \" people do not face - there are barriers such as transport that does not cater for our needs - for instance - trains - i NEED my mobility scooter to get round - BUT i i wanted to go somewhere on a train ( bare in mind i don't drive nor own a car ) - then i may be able to get to a station - but as i cant take my scooter on a train - what do i do at the other end ?? - i cant walk far without it - so basically i don't go - same with buses etc - and as a non driver or car owner many social and domestic facilities are out of reach - as society is GEARED for car users not those WHO CAN NOT OR DO NOT DRIVE - again for instance - i am limited in shopping choices as the cheaper supermarkets are \"out of town \" - or a 16 pound taxi ride away - thus negating any savings to be made when on a limited income - like wise you preach about work for the disabled - again - transport costs - public transport NOT going near /to place of employment etc - need i go on ??

2. Is there anything else about Disability Living Allowance (DLA) that
should stay the same?
don't fix what ain't broken !! - all this is going to do is penalise disabled people - cause stress and hardship for some - and REDUCE our limited quality of life - fine target the cheats - but leave the genuine claimants - who have ALREADY been assessed and who's situation has not changed ALONE we don't need all this hassle !! - how many suicides will it take before you get the message ?? - its going to happen - you WILL push some over the edge with all this interference !!

3. What are the main extra costs that disabled people face?

see my response in 1 above + some of us younger disabled people do not get any help with heating etc - which would be a great help if like me one suffers from chronic arthritis - the last 2 winters have been very difficult - BUT as i am in the age group ( 54 ) where i \"do not fit the criteria\" - i get NO help

4. The new benefit will have two rates for each component:
• Will having two rates per component make the benefit easier to
understand and administer, while ensuring appropriate levels of support?
• What, if any, disadvantages or problems could having two rates per
component cause?

depends WHO is administrating it - there will as usual be too many \"experts \" telling disabled people HOW their condition affects them - and anyways this is all about saving money - not the needs of the disabled - does the government think we are all stupid ?? - we are disabled not DUMB !!

5. Should some health conditions or impairments mean an automatic entitlement to the benefit, or should all claims be based on the needs and circumstances of the individual applying?
MORE conditions should be automatic NOT less - all this \"individual \" thing will mean is abetery decisions by people who have NO idea of the \"individuals \" needs - don't forget some people are not ABLE to articulate their needs well - and may be intimidated by the proposed \"reassessment\" process - thus not giving best account OF their needs

6. How do we prioritise support to those people least able to live full and active lives? Which activities are most essential for everyday life?
as to activities ?? - see my previous comments

7. How can we best ensure that the new assessment appropriately takes account of variable and fluctuating conditions ?
educate and ensure that those assessing us understand that we ALL have good and bad days - just because we have a GOOD day is NOT an excuse to decide we don't need the same level of support - or need the financial support - DON'T use a short term \"improvement \" as an excuse to penalise us !!

8. Should the assessment of a disabled person’s ability take into account any
aids and adaptations they use?
• What aids and adaptations should be included?
• Should the assessment only take into account aids and adaptations where the person already has them or should we consider those that the person might be eligible for and can easily obtain?

this again depends on IF you are for instance going to use the fact say that someone uses /needs a scooter or wheel chair as a factor FOR or AGAINST them - if you see an \"aid \" as a way of providing LESS support /financial support - then this in its self is discriminatory - what of those for instance who NEED a chair or scooter but cant afford them ?? - does having a false leg provided then negate their needs ?? - this is a very \"open ended \" question IMO

9. How could we improve the process of applying for the benefit for individuals and make it a more positive experience? For example:
• How could we make the claim form easier to fill in?
• How can we improve information about the new benefit so that people are clear about what it is for and who is likely to qualify?

make it shorter and simpler - stop asking the same questions many times in different ways

10. What supporting evidence will help provide a clear assessment of ability and who is best placed to provide this?

ones doctor - they know our problems best - and it may help if assessors LISTEN to what the claimant is saying - not just go by a set of computer generated rules and standards

11. An important part of the new process is likely to be a face-to-face discussion with
a healthcare professional.
• What benefits or difficulties might this bring?
• Are there any circumstances in which it may be inappropriate to require a
face-to-face meeting with a healthcare professional – either in an individual’s own home or another location?

will this BE medically TRAINED SPECIALIST in disability or some one under contract who has had cursory training and is working from a computer program ?? - HOW many of the assessors will be disabled themselves ?? and thus understand the needs and problems of the disabled ?? - not many i suspect - HOW can a NON disabled person JUDGE a disabled one ?? they have no experience of BEING disabled - they do not know what we face - again some people are NOT good at putting over their case /problems
also if one has been already assessed - what is the point of keep reassessing them ?? - the GENUINE claimant 's condition does not usually change - probably only gets worse !

12. How should the reviews be carried out? For example:
• What evidence and/or criteria should be used to set the frequency of reviews?
• Should there be different types of review depending on the needs of the individual and their impairment/condition?
again depends if this exercise is about saving money or genuine desire to help the disabled person - surly the government does not think we are ALL cheats and scroungers who will lie to keep the pittance we receive ?? - once assessed we should be left alone and TRUSTED to be honest in reporting changes as now

13. The system for Personal Independence Payment will be easier for individuals to understand, so we expect people to be able to identify and report changes in their needs. However, we know that some people do not currently keep the Department informed. How can we encourage people to report changes in circumstances?

the ones that don't do this are the fiddlers - i refer you to my comments above - INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY has always been the rule - a simple SIGNED review questionnaire will be sufficient for most HONEST claimants - don't tar us all with the same brush !!

14. What types of advice and information are people applying for Personal Independence Payment likely to need and would it be helpful to provide this as part of the benefit claiming process?

clear - concise - and common sense !! - not a raft of government \"mumbo jumbo \" full of inconsistencies

15. Could some form of requirement to access advice and support, where appropriate, help encourage the minority of claimants who might otherwise not take action?
If so, what would be the key features of such a system, and what would need to
be avoided?

ha WHAT advice and support ?? - more paid contractors who are more interested in getting their money than helping people ??- had experience of this !! - we DON'T NEED rafts of \"experts\" trying to help us and costing a fortune - what you mean is \"if you DON'T ask for help - then you obviously don't need it \" - some people don't wish to have others interfering in their lives AND are quite capable of ASKING for help if required - AGAIN disabled does not mean stupid !! - + with all the cutbacks - will ANY HELP BE THERE ??- or will the stock response of \"theres no money \" become the norm ??

16. How do disabled people currently fund their aids and adaptations? Should
there be an option to use Personal Independence Payment to meet a one-off cost?

they struggle !! in may cases or have to go cap in hand to charities - if you use any money for say buying a scooter for your mobility needs - then whats left to pay for taxis or public transport to enable you to get where the aid cant take you - see my previous comments on this - and don't forget - things like scooters /wheelchairs need maintenance - batteries etc - these don't come free !! - they cost money - money that some of us don't have as we are on small pensions etc and rely on DLA to be ABLE to even keep these things running - do you guys actually HAVE any idea as to the costs involved ?? - batteries 300-400 quid every 3 years or so - servicing 12 - 15 pound per hour etc +bits ( if obtainable ) need i go on ?? ) oh and don't forget insurance 60 -80 each year if one is sensible )

17. What are the key differences that we should take into account when
assessing children?

well that's a no brainer !! - kids cant always speak up for themselves - again it a case of the assessors LISTENING to parents and doctors .

18. How important or useful has DLA been at getting disabled people access to other services or entitlements? Are there things we can do to improve these passporting arrangements?

VERY - don't mess with this - if this means LESS entitlement

19. What would be the implications for disabled people and service providers if it was not possible for Personal Independence Payment to be used as a passport to other benefits and services?

again would have thought this obvious - HARDSHIP AND DISTRESS !!

20. What different assessments for disability benefits or services could be combined and what information about the disabled person could be shared to minimise bureaucracy and duplication?

as needed !! - if you want to save money - then cut out duplication of effort !

21. What impact could our proposals have on the different equality groups
(our initial assessment of which is on page 28) and what else should be
considered in developing the policy?

a disabled person is the SAME be they black - white - gay - straight - a Muslim or Christian or whatever - whats this got to do with anything ?? if you start making concessions to one group it will alienate others -TREAT US ALL THE SAME - as people !!

22. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the proposals in this
public consultation?

the REALIST in me says this is about saving money as part of the cutbacks - NOT about any REAL help for disabled people - this is NOT being cynical - DLA works fine as it is - again WHY FIX SOMETHING THAT IN THE MAJORITY OF CASES IS NOT BROKE !! - all this will do is cause anguish and distress to many GENUINELY disabled people - go target those who are openly flaunting the rules - people who can seemingly play sports - go on foreign holidays etc etc - those of us who ARE genuinely disabled cant do these things - heck most of us hardly leave our houses most days as we are in too much pain and discomfort caused BY genuine disablement - we find life difficult - PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT ANY MORE SO !!

what ever the 3 hours it took me to type this will just be ignored anyways - but you asked !!

MR X.XXXXXXX disabled person and long time taxpayer !!

a reply to this communication is appreciated - and good manners !!

( needless to say i never even got an acknowlegement - and i can pretty much garentee this will be \"lost \" in the process - ah well i tried )

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