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About Me
46 - 59
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I am a very down to earth sort of person who constantly questions the meaning of life in search of answers!
I have lots of varied interests which range from a fascination with the paranormal to appreciating the beauty of nature in its finest glory!
Pontificating the meaning of life!
Own happiness inside my soul that will never dwindle away!
I have a very wide taste in music, but prefer something which reverberates inside my soul as well as my ears!
I love movies which really move my spirit and make me ponder the massages and themes I’ve been watching!
I like watching a hotchpotch of different programme genres
Self-help, spirituality, together with a wide genre of other reading interests too numerous to mention!
My mum – she fought many battles throughout her life and right till the very end strived to help others!
Woods, anywhere which helps to creates serenity inside ones soul!
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