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New Delhi
About Me
18 - 29
Depression / Anxiety
meeting new friends
anxious most of the time. Don't know for what though. My depression adds to it. But I get along with people well. Most don't even know I have depression and anxiety, but my close ones know it all. Here to talk to people and see where it takes me.
painting, jewellery making, cooking and staying silent for along time in my room
painting and cooking... and sometimes looking into the stranger in my mirror
start-up my painting and jewellery gallery..and find someone who would take me the way I am
70's and 80's..don't like much of the latest ones.
Silence of the lamb and The Shining
don't get time to watch it much... some reality shows I'd say
I don't read any
I wish I had one
my dark room
My Penpal
not sure what exactly I am here for.. guess I am here to talk to people or anything that would keep my mind occupied... my email is