

My Photo
About Me
30 - 45
ERD End Stage Renal. Disease which requires Dialysis
Gave Disease ..a rare blood disorder which requires transfusions
Diabetes which has been the start of all that.
meeting new friends
I enjoy going to the movies or watching them at home. I enjoy drawing and writing when I can. I voulenteer at a hospital here in Missouri where I take calls and also as an art counselor twice a month. I also voulenteer one night a week at a substance abuse center. I enjoy playing Scrabble and on Saturday and Sunday nights going to our church dinners.
Horror comedy Action movies
Community Stuff
Stand up Comedy
Eating out..trying new places
Church activities
Some cooking
Writing and drawing. I'll draw the pictures and you can bring it to life by coloring it in.
I have an M.A in Management and a B.A. minor in Psych. I would like to pursue another degree soon in Marriage and Families Counseling because I like helping and working with people and maybe writing a book.
Pretty much anything from the 50s to the 90s. Rock like Pink Floyd..Queen...to Depeche Mode and Gregorian Monks. Country music like Kenny Rogers Garth Brooks and that comedic cowboy that does stand up and music. I like some soundtracks.
Dark City
National Lampoons pretty much anything
And my favorite What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr.
Don"t watch much tv anymore. Most of what I watch is online but if I had to narrow it down.

South Park
Tosh (if hes even still on)
Deal or No Deal
Happily Ever After
American Horror Stories
Pawn Shop
American Pickers
Impractical Jokers
Cabenero Effect
Stephen kings Needful Things and Misery
Koontz Watchers and The Dark Place
The Dirty Joke book I have under my trivia book on the night stand.
People who have handicaps or disabilities that still want to be role models and encourage others to have strength. There is so much more out there than sitting at home. God gives me new days to wake up and to make that new day better than the previous.
A coffee shop with local amateur entertainment..sometimes I'll do a poem or something in front of people.

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