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United States
About Me
30 - 45
Interstitial cystitis, endometriosis
meeting new friends
Hello! I'm a 32 year old female living in the Midwest US. I have had interstitial cystitis for 7 years and recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia and endometriosis as well. These are incredibly painful chronic illnesses to have, and it makes life hard. Every day is a struggle, but I get through it with the help of a wonderful, loving family ( boyfriend, daughter, my mother, and my super fun bearded dragon), and with the help of God!
When I have good days, I love to swim, hike, go camping, etc. On the bad days I watch a lot of TV, read books, take warm baths. And any day is perfect for spending time with my beautiful family !
Connect with other people whose lives are impacted by disabilities, to be part of a community where we can lift each other up
I love a wide variety of music! Depends on my mood as far as what I listen to on a given day. I love classic rock, pop, techno, old R&B, a bit of country, jazz, etc. When I'm having trouble falling asleep I listen to nature tones ( waterfall, rain, beach waves, wind, storms, etc) , or piano music... It really helps to relax you, especially if you are having problems with pain.
I love watching movies but I tend to fall asleep to them! ?!! I very much enjoy dramas, thrillers, and scary movies ( Reservoir dogs is one of my faves, also anything by Stephen King)
I tend to spend a lot of time watching TV shows if I'm having a bad pain day. A few of my favorites are Vikings, Mad Men, The Punisher, Game of Thrones, Mr Robot, and Dark on Netflix! Also I love cartoons! I know it's a bit childish, but I don't think I'll ever grow out of them! I love Family Guy, The Simpsons, Rick & Morty, etc. They always seem to cheer me up!
I enjoy reading lots of different kinds of books, including fantasy fiction, YA novels, graphic novels (comics) , , ,autobiographies, and historical nonfiction. I love to read the history of vikings, and religious history.
I have many... I would say the greatest being my mother because she is an amazing woman.
The Great Lakes, and my bath tub!!

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