

My Photo
New York
About Me
60 and Over
Wheelchair User
meeting new friends
I am a 68 ( in 2 months ) year old female. I have a problem called May Thurner Syndrome. I have difficulty walking very far and rely on mobility cart and wheel chair. Sometimes I have trouble and need supplementary oxygen. Only on 1.5 litre setting so it's not too bad.
Crocheting, reading, politics, learning something new every day. Making new friends, pen palling, writing letters. I love music and television. Sci Fi is great. My favorite tv series that is sci fi is FRINGE. Want to make a new friend for life? I would. I love cooking. I am an animal rights person and a vegetarian of 40 years.
Meeting new people. Would eventually like to have a partner
50's, 60's, and 70's. Early rock and pop.
Phantom of The Opera. Sound of Music. White Nights. SOOOOOOO many. Too many to name here.
Favorite series, FRINGE
Another case of too many to name.
Anyone that helps people that needs help. Also people that respect animals and are kind to them
New York State. Adirondack mountains. Anywhere with a cabin in the woods.

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