

My Photo
United States
South Carolina
About Me
18 - 29
Aspergers Syndrome
ADHD-C, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Peripheral Neuropathy (unknown cause), Asthma, possible Fibromyalgia
meeting new friends
Hiya, I'm Emrys from the US. I use They/Them pronouns. I have a dog named Cajun.
Reading, stargazing, coding, playing video games, 3D modelling, paleobotany, learning
Playing Subnautica
Survive and Thrive
STARSET, Lindsey Stirling, Imagine Dragons
Avengers (the first one), TRON: Legacy, Sonic (still haven't watched the second one)
Doctor Who, Warrior Nun, Atypical
The Great Gatsby, The Martian, The Thing With Feathers
The Doctor, my dog (I want to make people as happy as he does), Greta Thunberg
My safe place, my bedroom

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