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About Me
46 - 59
Blind / Sight Impaired
Had stroke. Confined to wheelchair, can't use right side
meeting new friends
I am legally blind and confined to a wheelchair following a stroke. I am located in San Antonio Texas and currently in a nursing home but will be out very soon.
Good conversation with intelligent people and most types of music. I have been in the nursing home ever since the stroke so I don't have many other hobbies at this point. I do love the Sun and spending time outside. I listen to Books on tape and listen to music outside most of the day. The other people here are mainly senile and much older so I get bored and lonely
Listening to music ,almost all types but manly 90's country's, 70's rock or Kid Rock
start a charity to help stroke victims
Kid Rock, 70's rock, or 90's County
Cool Hand Luke, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fictipn,
seldom watch
Of Mice and Men
my dad and grandfather, Gandhi
Outside, in woods

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