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About Me
60 and Over
have fun
69 yrs young, 9 back surgeries after military service, retired, (put out to pasture) at 57, use mobility scooter but I still work on and ride Harleys and Big Bikes with a sidecar, just can’t walk much or carry anything. Have add and depression from military service, but don’t talk about it much. At that dreaded stage of having a wife I love dearly but she can’t do much anymore if you catch my drift. Never anyone to talk to about that, but anyway. At the age I need to start wrapping things up and sell some bikes, restoring a corvette to run a couple more years I hope, maybe run at track on Saturdays.
Moved from San Diego area to this heaven blessed area in northeastern Tennessee, but found people are just not that friend making and after 13 years here, either my couple of friends are working like dogs and I never get to see them. My wife has no friends either, not even from the churches we’ve been to? Both are born again, I just don’t enjoy church much anymore even after completing a degree in Biblical studies years ago, these hillbilly’s are kinda clicky and it’s had to make any REAL friends.
Only other thing about myself is I’m a silversmith with like 400 pieces on the market, people love them they just don’t want to pay the prices for my artwork., Anyway, I’m running my keyboard. Can’t get on computer that much I’m always busy except at night or early am because I have a Circadian Disorder that’s awful……lol. Al Green
Harley Building and riding customs, with sidecars now, can’t handle 2 wheels much anymore. Self taught Silversmith and Lapidary artist. Anything with wheels or big engines is GREAT. I have a custom Corvette I’ve been building the last 5 years. Interests? Women who are smart technically and Men who are the same. Also recently gotten into 1/10 scale NO PREP RC Car Drag Racing.. (the 70 to 120mph type)

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