

My Photo
United States
Williamson County Illinois
About Me
18 - 29
I am not disabled
meeting new friends
First of all I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ. I am a very friendly person and I treat others the way Jesus would want me to treat them. One day I realized I was a sinner and I accepted God's free gift of salvation and Jesus saved me. Am looking for friends aged 18-19 to early twenties because there are almost no young people in church or elsewhere that are decent. Am interested in pen pals through email or letters. I am twenty years old. Am NOT interested in
friendships with older men.
I like westerns, bunnies, cats, dogs, and historical fiction.
Become a writer
Gospel hymns and western
Anything historical drama
Anything western or period drama, esp. British dramas
Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, the Love Comes Softly series
Jesus is my hero as well as all missionaries and heroes of the faith.
A youth camp in Ky
My Penpal

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