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About Me
60 and Over
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I'm a retired widow living on the last portion of the 1800s family ranch, in Wyoming. I have varied interests--herbalist, Indian, Mediterranean, and other healthy cooking styles, life-long studier & researcher, raised bed gardening, greenhouse, past Harley rider, oil painting, pottery, & martial arts, ancient history studies. Generally, live as a Solitary, keeping to myself. Like to sit on front porch of cabin and look at mountains. Straight white, Christian female. Traditional conservative values. Enjoy associating with masculine males and non-feminist females. I've had several eye operations, am legally blind in left eye, but great vision in right eye. Hoping to connect with those that have similar interests & can think outside the box, enjoy stimulating conversations, able to consider subjects outside of the mainstream. I have a sharp wit and wicked sense of humor (sometimes dark & twisted). Not a good fit for humans that get their feathers ruffled easily...meaning I'm down to earth and relaxed, not tightly wound.
Study and research subjects discarded into the cobwebs of history-- ancient pre-Adamic pre-flood civilizations, archeology of megaliths & architecture, hidden cities, mythology, ancient writings & histories. Have accumulated a large library on many subjects, some vintage & some now considered politically incorrect.
I'm always seeking to learn "stuff". I dig into all kinds of things. My little brain just keeps chugging along, and learning as I gallop through life.
I keep this wisdom in mind, while traveling life's trails -- “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” --- Marcus Aurelius
Alison Kraus, Nickelback, Loreena McKennitt, Tibetan singing bowls, Solfeggio frequencies, bluegrass
John Wick saga, Destination Wedding, Fried Green Tomatoes, Twilight saga, Chinese captioned period pieces, most movies of-- John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen.
Saturday Night Live (1970s years), The Rifleman, Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith Show. I have a TV, but only use it to play DVDs--sometimes months in between use. I selectively stream entertainment and worldwide alternative news on my laptop computer.
Ancient historical books & writings, herbalism, frequency healing, natural remedies, foraging, lost self-sufficiency practices, non-mainstream knowledge & wisdom.
My late cowboy/rancher husband, General George Patton, Presidents Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy--all those (male and female) that will stand up for truth and justice, have courage & fearlessness, honesty, and will speak truth when others are afraid to do so.
Our cabin at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.
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