
let it coming

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let it coming
About Me
60 and Over
Cerebral Palsy
meeting new friends
I am a disabled person, and have been since birth, I have Cerebral Palsy. I am 60 years and I am Single and a good catholic, and I am very good look person.and I am look for few volunteer who would been interests in help me out this year and I would like to go to Disneyland Florida, Lapland, Nashville and a few other place etc So if your known anyone that would been interests in help me out and look after me out there and that is all I want etc could you please let me know On my this page
Writing, Reading, TV, Radio, Music, and Long walk, Girls, Handicraft, Surf the net
Handicraft and surf the net
Is to have good healty and long life
all type of music but an specail country and western music I just love it
all type of films specail horror and comedy I just love them
I like all type of TV programme specail all they soap and quiz programme and sateilite TV is the last words it great
I love them talk books
My mother ( may she rest in peace )
My wee workshop
My Penpal
I am look for penpal all over the world there can contact me at this site please and I would love to fromyour all out there

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