

My Photo
United States
About Me
18 - 29
I am not disabled
meeting new friends
I am a teacher of students with autism, and I have been encouraged to network with persons with disabilities by my professor in graduate school. I am looking forward to meeting some new people, and hearing their stories!
Video games, playing with my cat, Netflix, and reading.
I am working toward my master's degree in ESE and eventually toward Educational Leadership
Metal, Classic Rock, Rap, and even some pop.
The Dark Knight, Serenity, The Godfather, Star Wars (original trilogy), and more recently Guardians of The Galaxy. Also lots of other Marvel movies.
Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Dexter (early seasons), Doctor Who, and currently making my way through Weeds (or breaking bad-light edition).
Back in the day, Harry Potter. Anything Poe, Great Gatsby, Dickens, and Frank Miller. The walking dead, too. Also, Fables. Lots of other GNs.
Nikola Tesla, Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt, anyone who is brave enough to buy a windows phone.
Santorini, Greece
My Penpal
Looking to meet some new online friends. I teach students with autism at the 5th grade level, and love my job!

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