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England UK
About Me
46 - 59
Anxiety, depression, agoraphobia - all long before my leg went "awol"!
meeting new friends
I'll probably be posting lots of stuff (maybe too much!) about myself. Drop by and get bored! (This is a free service for insomniacs).
Music - listening and making (earplugs may be required). Art / sculpture. Reading - mostly Sci Fi (when I can find my specs). Recently moved to a new property with a garden so hoping to develope 'green fingers'
Sculpting / Making music
To make some Future Plans
All sorts. Electronic to (light) classical, Reggae to Folk,
"My man Godfrey" - William Powel (1937 ?)
"Alien Ressurection"
"Alien Ressurection"
Don't watch much TV. "The Salvager" (Quest), CSI, "The One Show" (BBC). "The Big Bang Theory"
Haven't bought a book for ages, re-reading old Sci Fi from more than 20 years ago.
Have to think about that...
I'm hoping it'll be quite nice here...
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