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I have completed bachelor of pharmacy (B. Pharma) and now doing a diploma course social work and criminal justic from Indira Gandhi open- University I'm the president of HUMANIZING HUMANITY FOUNDATION.
During my study I found the preson with disability in India don't have social value they could not express their own feeling, emotion, thought because in Indian society the person with disability are not independent their situation are very a wfull the Indian society and family just show the mercy but not do mercy may be lot of people will not agree with me but unfotunatly it true, it my kind request with people of India please come forward and support our organization to make the independent to person with disability it will very hard to write down all thing here please come forward I promise you I share with you all thing retated to this topic
Thank you
Anwar Husain
Reading, creativity, fomulation of herbal medicine... ..

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