

My Photo
Uk, England, London,
Uk, England, London,
About Me
30 - 45
Mid Carpal Instability/Palmar Midcarpal Instability (MCI/PMCI) In My Left Hand/Wrist,Arm, & Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (CRPS/RSD)
to meet someone with the same disability
Male & Gay.

Born On: 18-03-1984

I suffered from suffered from a very Complex & Serious Wrist Disability/Injury while at work on: 13-10-2002 known as: Mid Carpal Instability (MCI)\Palmar Midcarpal Instability (PMCI) in both my left hand & left wrist only which is part of The Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Family,

& this later lead me to delevlope Moderate-Serve Clinical Depression & Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy\Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS).
Running 2 Forums On Ablehere.Com


Running My Own 4 Online Support Groups.


Being On Faceparty Gossip, Twitter.Com, FaceBook.Com, Tumblr.Com, & Much More Social Media :)
Social Media
McFly, BUSTED, Ben Folds, Cold Play, Blink182, Green Day, McBUSTED,
Stand By Me, Titanic, The Matrix 1-3, Life Stinks,
Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Skins, My Family, Fawlty Towers, Prison Break 1, 2, & 3,
Me Read, LOL :)

Mid Carpal Instability (MCI)/Palmar Midcarpal Instability (PMCI) - Medical Jounrals & Forums
McFly, BUSTED, McBUSTED, Male Gymnasts, Male Divers, :)
Lake Disrict

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