

My Photo
United states
About Me
46 - 59
Depression / Anxiety
meeting new friends
I am very spiritual. I am a communicater.i do not and will not be with anyone who cannot communicate. I love the 80s especially michael Jackson and madonna .i love to have long conversations about anything spiritual. I am very much a believer in magic and. The paranormal .i love music. I am a true freind to those who can connect in every way with me and im very emotional and very spiritually sensitive to others pain. I am also very much true to who i am. I say whats on my mind.i dont sugar coat things. In other words.i am as real you will get. I am not judgemental. I am not bias. But i do stand my ground firmly in my beliefs.
Dancing reading listing to music and having long conversations.
Dandcing working out
For true freinds to find me
Michael Jackson and madonna and spiritual and classical
Wizard of oz. Desperately seeking susan. Blair witch. This is it by michael jackson.
Id forensic files snapped. Paranormal witness haunted
Anything by m william. Phelps and anything spiritual
Las vegas

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