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About Me
46 - 59
Aspergers Syndrome
to find a partner
Honorably-discharged US naval vet, gamer since 1978, computer geek since 1984, married thrice, left last wife right after 9/11, and had only one abortive relationship after that I ended before sex complicated things, and have been flying solo since. I don't think I'll get married again—if some woman is willing to put up with my crap until either I die or she dies, great. If not, still great. Brutally honest ("fired" last GF because not only was she a liar, she was STUPID about it, too) with plenty of faults…but LYING isn't one of them. (smile) But, a liar WOULD say that, would he not?
Became interested in painting and sculpting when I was seven, was obsessed with scale models of WW II Armor and Vietnam-War-Era Military Aircraft, have read [probably] over 60,000 books, creative writing, but my current interests are computer graphic art and singleplayer PC games. Oh, and cooking been cooking since I was an eight-year-old attending third grade at Ben Milam Elementary in El Paso, Texas.
I am not filling this out AGAIN. Entering ALT/0151, instead of rendering a long dash, bad web coding went back one page, erasing all my data.
NOT filling this out again.
NOT filling this out again.
NOT filling this out again.
NOT filling this out again.
Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Sleeper, The Stranger (not by Albert Camus), Animal Farm , 1984, The Stand, and [The Diary of] Anne Frank.
Anne Frank, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and ANYONE who has ever punched a bully in the mouth!
Bavaria. Ülm was especially beautiful. I lived in Fürth for seven years.

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