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united Kingdom
About Me
46 - 59
Cerebral Palsy
meeting new friends
I have very mild c.p,i also only have one kidney which is packing up,i live with severe acute chronic pain 24/7 i hate sympathy just because i walk with a stick doesn,t mean i haven,t got a mouth,i,m a straight talking no nosense woman,i call a spade a spade i have other medical issues i am nearing the end of my divorce i have one child who is 22yrs he is getting married 19th feb,i like having a good laugh,i love mowtown music and i don,t drink or smoke {ex smoker} but i don,t need a drink to have a good night i am not one of those ex smoker,s who start,s lecturing you on how bad it is for you,you have free will what right have i to tell you what to do? if you want to know anything more please feel free to ask.
I am for some reason crazy on angel,s,i love reading about angel encounter,s,i like reading terry prachett book,s,i also have a grandson and step-grandaughter who are very important in my life i don,t see much of them as they live the other side of town,i like heearing about medium,s and those who say they can contact with out loved ones who has passed on,i don,t suffer fool,s and i speak my mind i,m told i,m a laugh apart from that i haven,t got alot else to say!!!
being with my friend,s and my grandchildren,also love hearing about angels and angel encounter,s
mowtown, northern soul,r n b pretty much anything as long as it,s not some nut just yelling their heads off with lyric,s you can,t understand!!!
comedy film,s ,action type films
John edwards {medium and anything to do with mediumship,but i don,t believe anyone can talk to the dead you gotta prove it first!} crime channel and discovery channel
Terry Prachett{any!!!} angel encounter,s book,s on mediumship and the book,s which prove medium,s are fake {i.e arguments fopr and against}
Sir douglas barder,norman wisdom,my best friend wendy and my late sister who went to hell and back before she died,if it wasen,t for her i wouldn,t be the person i am today
North yorkshire {catterick Garrison}
My Penpal
Hi,my name is Maria,i am midway through a divorce my husband decided he couldn,t cope with my various condition,s,{lying toerag was having an affair} the best thing he did was to leave.
I am easy going love having a laugh and joke and don,t take life to seriously,i have a 22yr son and two grandchildren,i have to admit i like the odd game of bingo??? sad or what!!!lol i,m just looking for penpal,s to talk to feel free to contact me i,ll reply i promise!!
I am easy going love having a laugh and joke and don,t take life to seriously,i have a 22yr son and two grandchildren,i have to admit i like the odd game of bingo??? sad or what!!!lol i,m just looking for penpal,s to talk to feel free to contact me i,ll reply i promise!!
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