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About Me
30 - 45
Learning Disabled
Phonemic/Phonological Disorder
meeting new friends
hi my name is james and i'm 39 year old gay from uk and here is something and me i'm a Person that suffers from quite a severe Disability which effects my Speech and the condition I have is called Phonemic/Phonological Disorder. I was Diagnosed with this Disorder at the age of 3 Years and it has impacted quite a substantial amount of my Life
history,antiques,arts,museums,old buildings,haunted and abandoned places,spiritual,,travelling,walking,cooking,outdoor,learning new things,try new foods and drinks
live everyday to the fullest
travel around usa and other places and find boyfriend/friends
all kind of musics
horrors movies
abandoned engineering
harry potter
only best mate i got in world
day care lol
My Penpal
would anyone like to role play with me in chat

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