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About Me
Spina Bifida
don`t know
The following bio is from my author website:

Okay. Confession time.

Although I fancy myself a writer, I have no idea how to write this bio. I know it's an important part of the site. Being an unknown, as of yet unpublished novelist, you don't know me and so you're curious about me.


Still, I don't have the slightest idea what you'd what to know. I was born and raised in North Carolina. I could name the town, but you've never heard of it. However, there's a neighboring town that holds an significant place in our nation's history. I live in the same house I spent half my childhood in.

I was born with a debilitating condition called Spina Bifida. I'm told that this is the leading birth defect of them all, and yet you may have never heard of it. My parents were simple people of simple means when I was born and yet they stepped up to the plate and answered the challenge of raising a kid who had a severe birth defect they knew nothing about. They were sent home with me and a pamplet. Nothing more. I can tell you that I've had multiple surgeries and that my best friends growing up were adults in the medical profession and that my second home was the nearest big hospital until the age of 15.

I graduated high school having studied art, drama and music along with the other necessities of education. I went on to colledge where I studied, Pre-Liberal Arts, Radio Broadcasting, Religious Education and Computer Programming.

I became a follower of Jesus Christ in 1984.

I've worked in a bookstore, a fitness center, industrial maintenance and the travel industry. Finally my doctors gave me a choice. Stop working or die. No choice. Just because I've made peace with the Lord doesn't mean I'm in a hurry to met Him.

Since being out of work and getting my health somewhat better, an old friend has come back to me. Writing. I've done it in some form since I was a kid. Writing is what's kept me sane all these years. I'd make up stories with characters dealing with similar issues as I was at the time and see how they solved it. It helped me deal with my own problems. I still do this today.

I never pursued a career in writing because I simply didn't know how and knew no one who could tell me. So I wrote for me. A couple of years ago something big in my life happened and I turned to writing and decided to find out how to make something of my talent.

I've learned much over the last two years. I know the basics of how to get published. I know how to get an agent. I know what genre fits me. I know which publishers take my kind of writing. I'm honing my craft everyday. I have three manuscripts in the works at present. One is a rewrite of a novel I finished 02/06. The other two are relatively knew ideas for me.

I have a stockpile of ideas, but I know the most important thing to an agent and a publisher is whether or not I can write well and can I finish a manuscript. These things are what I'm about today.

Sometimes I let my website and blogs go without updates for a while. That's because I'm working on my stories and the writing is going so well I have a hard time stopping to do something else. Writing stories is my passion.

I can't say that God has called me to write. What I can say is, He's gifted me to write and I'm responsible for how I use that gift. I try to write a compelling story. One that grabs you and won't let go until I'm ready to release you. Any message, as it is with any writer, is a by product of who I am. I write stories that, hopefully, anyone can relate to in some way.

You can also find me at:

My author website:


My writing blog:


And MySpace:


Below are some of my favorite songs. You'll find a lot of Apologetix there. They're my favorite band. Check them out in my top friends list.
Writing/reading fiction, video games, movies, music, TV. The usual. Also playing guitar and bass.
Contemporary Christian, Contemporary Country, Classic Rock.
At present my favs are Thr3e, Mr. Brooks, POTC series, Die Hard series, LOTR series, Chronicles of Narnia series, The Passion of the Christ.
24, Prison Break, Heroes, all CSI shows, NCIS, Jericho, Criminal Minds, Bones, Shark, Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?, Numb3rs, Cold Case, Without A Trace. Anything on TV Land and many of the classics.
Thr3e by Ted Dekker, Lightning by Dean Knootz, Waking Lazarus by T. L. Hines
Jesus Christ
Anywhere there's sun and surf.




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