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the southwest
About Me
46 - 59
meeting new friends
I'm an independent, outdoors, self-sufficient type who loves his solitude, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a loner. I hope that makes sense. Put another way, I enjoy the company of another, but do not care for a crowd.
I'd spend three days hiking to get to a beautiful location.
Oh yeah, and I stop to enjoy sunsets :)
I'd spend three days hiking to get to a beautiful location.
Oh yeah, and I stop to enjoy sunsets :)
many, varied, as long as it's interesting
anything to do with outdoors
Texas music... Gary P. Nunn, Ray Wylie Hubbard, Tom Russell, Emilio Navaira, to name a few
Favorite seasonal movie: It's a Wonderful Life
don't watch the dang thing
Atlas Shrugged, Mountain Evasion, Montani Semper Liberi
Einar Asmundson (fictional main character of Mountain Evasion)
somewhere away from crowds
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