

My Photo
United States
About Me
46 - 59
I am not disabled
disability in my linage and i might be positive.
to find a partner
All it takes is stepping out of oneself and a genuine interest in learning something about others. I'm outgoing but also relish the solitude offered under the trees on a quiet afternoon. Independent and opinionated. Thoughtful and articulate. Honest and Loyal. Dang funny in a dry way. Crack myself up, too. Not afraid to laugh at myself. I'm a liberal thinker- accepting and nonjudgmental. I believe that we do ourselves and others a disservice if we are not open to the diversity of people and the world around us. I have no interest in the bar scene as I have done plenty of that in the past and life is too short and too beautiful to waste time sitting on a bar stool. Unless it's to see great music. Generally looking for a meaningful relationship that has to start with friendship,maybe over time develop in something more serious.
Coffee and conversation, Business networking, Dining out, Fishing/Hunting, Gardening/Landscaping, Hobbies and crafts, Movies/Videos, Museums and art, Music and concerts, Exploring new areas,Dancing, Performing arts, Playing cards, Religion/Spiritual, Shopping/Antiques, Travel,Watching sports,Wine tasting
My Penpal
I'm not perfect therefore not looking for perfect. Just looking for a woman that can be my best friend that I can love for who and how she is.

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