

Welcome to our (end of) Summer newsletter! Hope everyone is enjying their Summers we still have a couple of weeks still left to make of the nice weather. Our new website is is working fully and we are getting good feedback on it. Our members continue to grow which is fantastic and a big welcome to all our new members! In News The Duke of Sussexes Invictus Games for injured Soldiers starts on the 9th September - 16th September 2023 and will be held in Dusseldorf this year. The BBC will be having an hour show a night to show highlights. The big news of the Summer has been the fires caused by the heat and also some started by people. We hope that none of our members where effected.


Karl Dean at Tribfest 2023 (the owner of AbleHere.com doing comedy)

Brain Man: The Boy With The Incredible Brain | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary

The Man With Half A Body: The FULL Documentary | A True Story

Living with Progeria

With the end of Summer on the horizon and Autrum knocking on the door bringing with it colder temperatures it’s crazy to think Christmas isn’t to far away! But for now enjoy the last of the nice weather and stay safe.

The AbleHere Team




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