I'm 39,I Have 2 daughters 21 and 16I have something called Friedrich’s Ataxia friedreich's ataxia is a rare, inherited, autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the nervous system, causing progressive damage to the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and cerebellum, leading to impaired muscle coordinationI'm ashamed to say I'm a super sinnerand a sex addict and I hate it It's gotten mè into trouble over ànd over I've lied and cheated so many times the last time cheated ì tried to (kill my myself and failed obviously then in August...I tried again with a drug overdose it ŵorked Bùt brought me back Now I live in a group home and I'm not Sure what to do.I'm so lonely.i have lost it all, my daughters want anything to do with me..I've definitely learned my lesson, I've turned myself over to the Lord. I want to find a man has a high sex drive but also mot focused on just getting nudes I want someone who wants to get to know me