Hi there,
We are developing a brand new way, to navigate you to your possibilities.
We are building NaviDisa, the POI-database for disabled people.
The huge start is made in the Netherlands, where we've collected over 130.000 POI now.
Benches to rest on, parkingspaces, places where you can fish or spot birds from your wheelchair, restaurants with braillemenu etcetera, etcetera.
We are using the Layar-app to disclose the database, with the Layer "Zonder Drempels" en NaviDisa Parking, which you can use to find the parkingspaces.
But we now released the app "NaviDisa Spraak", complete voice controlled and to be used in Dutch, for finding the same parkingspaces.
I'm curious, is there something like this in your country?
Should we develop it for you too?
In our database are also about 1500 parkingspaces for disabled people, in the UK.
You can see how the app is used on YouTube: