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United States
About Me
60 and Over
ADHD...dyslexia, I will be good...I promise...lol
Blind / Sight Impaired
meeting new friends
I enjoy getting to know new people and communicating with others. I ,love the outdoors, bicycles, camping, hiking, crisp clear blue skies and fresh air. Drop me a line and lets get to know one another.
Being creative in any way I can think of and expressing it.
All music
So many, let's see...Into The Wild, The Worlds Fastest Indian, Dances With Wolfs, The Postman, U 571, Most all movies about the adventure of life.
None, I rent movies from Netflix and buy movies often used from thrift stores and new.
Not many due to Dyslexia but I do have a passion to learn with reading. I feel I live life. I can read and communicate just fine. I don't picture thoughts in my head the same as most others do
Don't think I have any
Rolling down the road of a clear blue fall afternoon on my bicycle with my dog Ginger
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