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New Zealand
South Island
About Me
18 - 29
meeting new friends
Hey There I'm Christine I have Schizophrenia and I'm a Christian I can be quite open with what I'm struggling with, when I want to be, But haven't yet accepted my illness. I do art and work as a peer support worker once a week, also slowly learning to drive..I have one older sister. I like animals, nature and going to the Gym once a week lifts my mood for the rest of the week.
Reading, anything art, knitting, listening to life FM, church actives, walking, traveling, camping, food..
Art and Church
Travel and study Art Therapy/peer support (big Dream hard to say in little space)
Life FM Christian Radio
Once were Warriors, A piece of my heart, Narnia
None at the moment
True stories, pocket inspirations,
A farm my family and friends camped on together as kids
My Penpal
Anyone, but not seeking a relationship, just friends