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United Kingdom
Blaenau Gwent
About Me
46 - 59
Neurological Disorder
meeting new friends
I have CMT 1A I am former soldier and yes I am welsh
Divorced 3 kids then new partner died
AAs of 18th Nov 2022 I had a through Knee left leg amputation
Former British Army,Prison and Monitoring Officer
SSAFA case worker for 13 years
Divorced 3 kids then new partner died
AAs of 18th Nov 2022 I had a through Knee left leg amputation
Former British Army,Prison and Monitoring Officer
SSAFA case worker for 13 years
Sadly politics,used to be a veteran support worker for SSAFA
used to be running and love dogs
get leg sorted
Gladiator and war horse
Yorkshire vet,our Yorkshire farm
Inside No10
My Father
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