

My Photo
New Delhi
About Me
30 - 45
meeting new friends
I have been here before on this app, but I had deleted my account. I created a new account now. I am a disabled person (I can't walk) and an introverted HSP Empath personality. I have a problem with focus, but I am a quick learner and an extremely gifted person. I also have a problem talking to people and socializing, and if I am forced to talk, I can't make eye contact. Sometimes my brain goes barren for days, and I can't think at all. But I am pretty good with this letter-writing stuff. I think I have shared enough about myself, and even after that, if you write to me and don't get a reply, then you should know that I am the problem here, and there is nothing wrong with you. I know I am not so unique, neither a celebrity nor something like that. Still can't help myself. I hope you'll understand. I don't often come here, so if you need to talk, just drop me a message. My email is mmvenusj2@gmail.com. And my telegram username is: @slowlife111
Reading, writing, photography, moon, saturn, venus, lighthouses.
Capturing moon and saturn.
Live a peaceful life with my love one.
Lumineers and Lana Del Rey, cigarette after sex, Arjit Singh, Jagjeet Singh, Rekha Bhardwaj,
The Shawshank redemption 1994
Kevin saves the world, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Smallville,
Alchemist and Mind Platter.
My Mum
Saturn Planet
My Penpal
I have been here before on this app, but I had deleted my account. I created a new account now. I am a disabled person (I can't walk) and an introverted HSP Empath personality. I have a problem with focus, but I am a quick learner and an extremely gifted person. I also have a problem talking to people and socializing, and if I am forced to talk, I can't make eye contact. Sometimes my brain goes barren for days, and I can't think at all. But I am pretty good with this letter-writing stuff. I think I have shared enough about myself, and even after that, if you write to me and don't get a reply, then you should know that I am the problem here, and there is nothing wrong with you. I know I am not so unique, neither a celebrity nor something like that. Still can't help myself. I hope you'll understand. I don't often come here, so if you need to talk, just drop me a message. My email is mmvenusj2@gmail.com. And my telegram username is: @slowlife111

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