

My Photo
United States
About Me
30 - 45
Blind / Sight Impaired
meeting new friends
My life Story
When I was 9 yrs old my family had found out that I was going to be
blind and of course as a 9 yr old I had no clue what that meant for me
but I new at a young age that I was different because kids at school
would make fun of me and pick on me in not a good way and teachers
didn’t seem to care.
I remember when I was in 5th grade and my brother who was in 1st grade
and we both had been going to the same school. Well I remember that
one day we had a meeting and my teachers had said that they didn’t
want me at that school anymore and that they weren’t going to help me
at all so my parents had to put me in a special school for blind
I ended up going to the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind and
at first it was ok and weird only because I hadn’t been away from home
for so long. I lived in the dorms during the week and went home on the
weekends so it was like going off to college at a very young age.
What I was 13 yrs old I got baptized with my brother and a friend of
ours. As a newly Christian and someone who was still trying to
understand my blindness was not easy to come by. As I got older I
still didn’t understand why God had made me this way. Or why I was so
different to other who knew me or didn’t know me. But a a mother I may
not understand why God does what he does but I do like how he puts
others who need to be in our lives and shows how to overcome our
optical’s that are in front of us.

I wrote this in 2018
Hi my name is Deidre Vansyoc and this is my life story. When I was
growing up I was always the quiet shy girl who sat in the back of the
class and never raised my hand. I never thought I mattered or that
anyone had even noticed that I was in the class room. I would rather
work by myself during class projects and not in groups. As I was
growing up I was always involved in after school activities, very
involved in my church nursery and in children’s church. I was even in
the church Easter program. But I was never happy and I didn’t feel
like I even belonged with anyone I was around. But as we all know life
goes on.
When I was older we had moved to Missouri from Colorado and it seemed
ok but I missed home. I had my own apartment but it took me a long
time to socialize with anyone I still felt alone but I finally had
some friends who didn’t see me as a blind person but as a person who
was alone.
When I was 23 years old I had my daughter and things started to seem
so different now I was a single mom with a baby and new that life was
no longer mine.
When she was 5 months old I knew she needed to be around kids that
were her age so I ended up joining a group for mom’s called Mother’s
of Preschools know as MOPS. At first it was weird to be around them I
had so many barriers up and didn’t know how to knock them down it just
seemed that the walls were still up and weren’t coming down. I knew
something needed to change and I didn’t know how to change them at
least not at that point. When she got older things really seemed to be
changing and not for the good I knew that I was on a long roller
coaster and I wasn’t liking the ride which by the way I hate roller
coasters even the upside down ones.
When she was 5 years old I had found out that she had Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is ADHD. At that time I knew my
life was going to be so different from now on and wasn’t sure how to
handle it or who to talk to about it. I had found a group called
Rising Abilities and had found out that there was a camp that was just
for her and to make friends with that were just like her or had some
other delays but she could relate to boy was this a blessing to know
that I wasn’t alone anymore.
When my daughter was in second grade her class didn’t have a room
parent so I decided that I needed to step up as a parent and became
her room parent and boy was it fun. In the last year or so it seems
like every wall, bubble or barrier has indeed come down not only have
I stepped up with her school stuff. But as a parent I feel like I have
also stepped up in other areas as well.
I love that the older she gets the more fun we are able to do together
and I can’t wait to see how far this roller coaster is going to go. We
still have our ups and downs but I am so ready and believe I can do
anything that is put in front of me.
I believe that God gave her to me because he knew that I couldn’t do
any of this on my own. I still go back into my shyness at times when I
get into a new situation but I do believe I am doing much better at it
then I used to.

Hope my story inspires you and helps you know that even if you’re
blind or have any disabilities you can do anything no matter what the
situation is in front of you.

I wrote this in 2018

Hi my name is Deidre Vansyoc and this is my life story. When I was
growing up I was always the quiet shy girl who sat in the back of the
class and never raised my hand. I never thought I mattered or that
anyone had even noticed that I was in the class room. I would rather
work by myself during class projects and not in groups. As I was
growing up I was always involved in after school activities, very
involved in my church nursery and in children’s church. I was even in
the church Easter program. But I was never happy and I didn’t feel
like I even belonged with anyone I was around. But as we all know life
goes on.
When I was older we had moved to Missouri from Colorado and it seemed
ok but I missed home. I had my own apartment but it took me a long
time to socialize with anyone I still felt alone but I finally had
some friends who didn’t see me as a blind person but as a person who
was alone.
When I was 23 years old I had my daughter and things started to seem
so different now I was a single mom with a baby and new that life was
no longer mine.
When she was 5 months old I knew she needed to be around kids that
were her age so I ended up joining a group for mom’s called Mother’s
of Preschools know as MOPS. At first it was weird to be around them I
had so many barriers up and didn’t know how to knock them down it just
seemed that the walls were still up and weren’t coming down. I knew
something needed to change and I didn’t know how to change them at
least not at that point. When she got older things really seemed to be
changing and not for the good I knew that I was on a long roller
coaster and I wasn’t liking the ride which by the way I hate roller
coasters even the upside down ones.
When she was 5 years old I had found out that she had Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is ADHD. At that time I knew my
life was going to be so different from now on and wasn’t sure how to
handle it or who to talk to about it. I had found a group called
Rising Abilities and had found out that there was a camp that was just
for her and to make friends with that were just like her or had some
other delays but she could relate to boy was this a blessing to know
that I wasn’t alone anymore.
When my daughter was in second grade her class didn’t have a room
parent so I decided that I needed to step up as a parent and became
her room parent and boy was it fun. In the last year or so it seems
like every wall, bubble or barrier has indeed come down not only have
I stepped up with her school stuff. But as a parent I feel like I have
also stepped up in other areas as well.
I love that the older she gets the more fun we are able to do together
and I can’t wait to see how far this roller coaster is going to go. We
still have our ups and downs but I am so ready and believe I can do
anything that is put in front of me.
I believe that God gave her to me because he knew that I couldn’t do
any of this on my own. I still go back into my shyness at times when I
get into a new situation but I do believe I am doing much better at it
then I used to.

Hope my story inspires you and helps you know that even if you’re
blind or have any disabilities you can do anything no matter what the
situation is in front of you.
Hanging out with my daughter, talking to friends on the phone, play yahtzee or Fargo on dice world.




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