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United States
About Me
46 - 59
have fun
I am new to the "disability" thing. It was kind of a surprise really. I went through some extremely traumatic events that caused some health issues, as well as depression and anxiety and PTSD. But aside from that, and I am a pretty normal guy! I enjoy good company and intelligent, honest, and humorous conversation.
Motorcycles, fishing, walks, documentaries, good movies, sushi, sashimi, Mexican food! I love writing, thinking, and life in general! Life is such a fleeting thing, and has its ups and downs; but much to short to allow it to wreck you. There is so much good to discover. I also enjoy traveling, boats, and the ocean. I have a wide and never ending list of interests, this world is full of interesting topics that I love to research and learn about!
V-Twin Motorcycles, Golf, The Ocean!
I am starting a publishing company. For my own books as I have a million children inspired books rolling around along with a couple of loose screws! Haha!!
"Dad, you are stuck in the EIGHTIES!" Hey, maybe so, but at least the music was original, and they didn't have AUTO-TUNE! Haha! I was a headbanger, Heavy Metal, Van Halen, Scorpions, RATT, KISS, Billy Squire, Sammy Hagar, Pink Floyd, AC/DC...And so many more, but I also love worship music, I love the old hymns...I love to be in God's presence...
LOTR, I am sorry if you do not get that reference, please exit at the door there behind you! jk! Matrix, Equalizer, Bourne Identity Series, Star Trek, The list is to long...But you get the idea.
Anything DOCUMENTARY. I am not much into series programs, maybe I should clarify, there was a period where sit-coms other than a few, insulted anyones intelligence with the canned laughter and punch lines you could see coming a mile away. Count me on that.
Chronicles of Narnia, Anything Stephen King, Louis Lamour, the bible, autobiographys from little known people.
My mom was, and my youngest son whom sadly, I lost in 2018 to colon cancer. He never complained, he was 22 when diagnosed with stage four. He died jut before his 25th bday. My mom? tough as nails. But fair, and she loved her kids.
The Far Northern Coast of California, the Redwood forests. That place is MAGICAL!
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