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About Me
46 - 59
meeting new friends
Hi. Im here to make friends only but also to help other disabled people .Maybe hopefuly become a carer to some one. As Im male there is a limit on what I CAN DO.IF IT COMES TO PRIVATE HELP ECT. I looked after a epileptic person for6 years & had to be a jackof all trades to him even like a doctor male nurse . .One example being when he used to have things like abcesses near even his personal areas.& out with offcice ours ect I hd to put cream on & change any deresings. His epilepsy was the high rate type but he had other diabilities too. Pluse using a wheel chair for distancies.. Most of my friends and family are dead even my parents. I live alone. Im not here to date any one. If or when I meet some one like Im looking for through this site then distance need not be a problem We can try to work some thing out..Im also on other web sites like www.dailystrength.org www.allaboutgod.net www.skype.com On the first 2 I have profiles & jurnals ect telling more about me. Verry moving & inspiring some are too, They are there to help others 24/7 .A sumery of the past & present sad & bad experiencies I have been through up to now. They are one one way of turning negative into good use.WE can all do it..I dont mind if it turns out that who ever i do end up caring for wants to move in with me or vice versa to make it verry much easiuer to do the caring & be there even in emergencies ect. If your a wheelchair user & fel you like some one to push it for you then look no further.. Im here..I like being with peole who are in evry way positive thinking positive atitude non juge mental a to z. Ido wellcome pen palls too but not having to use pen and paperas I praefer to type in line. Im a loner in a sence. I might come across as being a bit withdrawn ect but given the right situation & a chance to know who ever then I can be quite diferent in a good way. I know how and when to keep a confidence. We all nee some one who we feel sure with & can confide in. I have done a corse at colage on the intoduction to caring & the intro to counseling. I did not do a psycology course but I know the methods psycologists use. I can read body talk facial expresions vibes ect & senc atmosfear in any place. I know when Im welcome some where but no one needs to tell meif im not.. I hate snobery ect. Life is too short for any kind of negativity.I DONT point the finger at any one as that is claiming perfecion. I donk like loose talk or gosip either & try hard not to do it my self. I hate no one and forgive al who have done wrong to meect.. The woman beside me on my photo is my del late mum. I used to care for her at the tatr paet of her live & even when she went in to a care home, The serviving members of my family are like total strangers to ech other let alone my mum and me..Causing rivalry & havoc how & when every they can.Unlike the oes who have gone., I would like to share my place with a disabled male age between 18 to 36 as a flat mate and maybe like a family member
I have many but always willing to try new ones
Most but caring for others
Share my place with someone
50s to 90s country rock pop and other. Some of py present ones include walking swimming traveling helping people making frieds cycling acting sining fund raising playing pool darts. I said on a part of my page I Like horse riding. I have not had a chance or opertunity to do that for years but would like to again soon..iM NOT INTO ANY TV SPORTS.. I like being on line..
True to life stories ect but also cow boy films war som si fi
soaps drama comedy and other
Byographys true stories and the bible
Dont have any I THINK of
Where ever im wanted
My Penpal

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