
mad nat

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mad nat
About Me
30 - 45
I am not telling you
to find a partner
My name is natalie,i am a crazy woman so my friends tell me!!!my best friend in the whole world is called angelmate, so if i leave a message from her site i apologise she is a true friend
I like meeting people looking for a rewarding relationship as well as penpal,s
My Penpal
My name is Nat i am 36 i used to be a carer a very dear friend of mine has just joined and made sure i did!! i love cat,s i live alone,i don,t like people who try to be something their not,if you haven,t guessed by now i,m pretty blunt!! i work with disabled people and have made alot of friends through my job,just found out that a friend i have met through my job has cancer,also my friend who has perseuded me to join is also pretty ill, i have found out that people who are disabled are alot more trustworthy than most able bodied folk,s,they also don,t sit on their bum,s feeling sorry for themselves in fact i admire disabled people,if you wana know anymore ask i won,t bite

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