
RSD/CRPS 1&2 & The 3 Stages/Phases - Chat:

17 years 1 month ago #1330 by Scott_1984
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&2 (RSD/CRPS 1&2) & The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&2 - Chat:

Does anyone else suffer from: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&2 (RSD/CRPS 1&2), if so tell all the Ablehere users your story & how it effects you with your normal day to day activities & mental health.

If your not sure what: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&2 (RSD/CRPS 1&2) is, then go to: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1100/catid,47

I suffered from suffered from a very Complex & Serious Wrist Disability/Injury while at work on: 13-10-2002 known as: Mid Carpal Instability (MCI)\Palmar Midcarpal Instability (PMCI) in both my left hand & left wrist only which is part of The Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Family, & this later lead me to delevlope Moderate-Serve Clinical Depression & Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy\Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS)

Effects of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&2 (RSD/CRPS 1&2)




Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:36

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16 years 1 month ago #11795 by lisanmaria
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&2 (RSD/CRPS 1&2) & The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&2 - Chat:

:) hi scott i have recently been diagnosed with crps in my right hand after going through a operation for trigger finger which i must add the surgeon got wrong he should of gave me carpal tunnel surgery but anyway the pain is terrible my fingers cramp the pain is there all day every day and as for the surgeon i have now he wont do a operation for carpal tunnel even thou i have got it because it will make it worse the thing is i cant see how much worse it can get because the pain is something i have never felt before but with the pain of my hand i get so much anger built up due to the hand n whats happening its so depressing and even thou they r syptoms of crps its a complete nightmare
the surgeon as put me in for pain management and also physiotheropy but as for people ive read msgs off other forums they dont work because theres no cure
anyway my partner maria as been a great support to me bless her
shes so understanding crps should be more recognised n its so frustrating because some people dont understand its constant pain
glad to see alot of info on here about crps
from lisa n maria<br><br>Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:37

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15 years 9 months ago #19681 by Scott_1984
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&amp;2 (RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2) &amp; The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 - Chat:

Yesterday, I Saw My Pain Specialist For The First Time, In An Hospital I Haven't Been To Since October 2004,

This was not good for my anxiety/panic-attacks, I was late by cab be half an hour,

The Pain Specialist was very nice &amp; his going to try to see if I can tolerate Pain Patches &amp; another Pain Drug that can only be taken once in the morning &amp; once in the night, But both The New Drug &amp; Pain Patches can be taken on top of My 8 Tylex Tablets,

He said The Morning &amp; Night Pain Drug will start off at a very low dosage &amp; Pain Patches last 7 days &amp; these may cause me to feel sick &amp; therefore I might need a some tablets to sort out the sick feelings,

He also said if I can manage the Morning &amp; Night Pain Drug, He will increase it to a high level.

He also wants to see me at The Homerton NHS Hospital to take an X-Ray of My Neck while injecting my neck with some form of Pain Drug or Nerve Blocker, Hopefully sometime next couple of weeks.

He asked if I had tried any other Pain Tablets, &amp; I told him I had tried Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Tylex, &amp; there was one which couldn't be taken with My Anti-Depressants: CIPRALEX ESCITALOPRAM, &amp; Another one like Tylex.

I told hime I've been on Tylex since December 2002, As Diclofenac from: 13-10-2002 caused bruising on my body, bad Asthma/Chest, &amp; Ibuprofen Causes Bad Asthma/Chest,

One couldn't be taken with My Anti-Depressants: CIPRALEX ESCITALOPRAM,

&amp; The other one like Tylex, Was no more powerful than Tylex.

I told him I'd been taking Tylex from around Mid November/December 2002 - Present,

He was surprised I hadn't been put on any of the tablets he has suggested or pain patches.

He agrees with Miss. Ang that a limited or full wrist fusion may only get rid of The Wrist Instability &amp; Clunking, Snapping, Clicking, &amp; Popping, But I could still suffer Pain &amp; Discomfort.

He also said I may never be Pain Free, But I've always been aware of this fact.

He also told me never to stop using My Left Hand/Wrist, &amp; Arm,

But since: 13-10-2002 - Present, I've been making myself use it every day since: 13-10-2002 with typing, washing up, light dusting/house work, &amp; I've been doing twice a day Physiotherapy finger, hand, wrist, &amp; arm, &amp; finger, hand, wrist, arm, Strengthening Excersises.

But he said I should never push myself past the Pain Barrier, As this could cause more Pain, Discomfort &amp; Problems.

His also going to contact Miss. Ang &amp; ask why She didn't see me after The Homerton NHS sending her 2 referral letters, One from October 2008 &amp; The Second one from December 2008, As Mr. McCarthy is away on a 6 month + sabbatical &amp; both the covering surgeons, Can not 100% confirm if the 3rd wrist operation known as: Arthroscopic Thermal Capsulorrhaphy for Palmar Midcarpal Instability/Thermal Capsulorrhaphy for Midcarpal Instability that I had on: 24-07-2008 if its worked or not, Or needs a full year to work.

I hope these Pain Patches &amp; Morning &amp; Night Pain Drugs Work along My 8 Tylex Tablets a day &amp; Anti-Depressants: 40 mg's of: CIPRALEX ESCITALOPRAM.

&amp; Once the appointment was over from 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. It took me 2 hours to get the courage to find the toilets,

I then tried to get the courage to phone for a cab, But this sadly never happenend &amp; then I left Barts Main Hospital Entrance to try &amp; get a black cab from the street &amp; bottled it :(

So walked until I found a 242 bus stop, So I could catch a 243 bus to Wood Green to get a 141, 329, 121, bus to My Boyfriends flat.

Considering The Hopsital Appointment finished between 11:30 a.m. or 12:00 p.m., I didn't get back to My Boyfriends flat until 16:45 p.m. :(

My anxiety/panic-attacks yesterday was horrible &amp; made even hard with not really knowning Barts NHS Hospital, As the last time I was there was in October 2004 &amp; January 2005,

I am more used to The Homerton NHS Hospital Or The Royal London NHS Hospital, As I've been to The Homerton Hospital all the time since: 13-10-2002 &amp; 3 times to he Royal London NHS Hospital between 2005 &amp; 2006.<br><br>Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:38

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15 years 7 months ago #22940 by Scott_1984
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&amp;2 (RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2) &amp; The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 - Chat:

lisanmaria wrote:

:) hi scott i have recently been diagnosed with crps in my right hand after going through a operation for trigger finger which i must add the surgeon got wrong he should of gave me carpal tunnel surgery but anyway the pain is terrible my fingers cramp the pain is there all day every day and as for the surgeon i have now he wont do a operation for carpal tunnel even thou i have got it because it will make it worse the thing is i cant see how much worse it can get because the pain is something i have never felt before but with the pain of my hand i get so much anger built up due to the hand n whats happening its so depressing and even thou they r syptoms of crps its a complete nightmare
the surgeon as put me in for pain management and also physiotheropy but as for people ive read msgs off other forums they dont work because theres no cure
anyway my partner maria as been a great support to me bless her
shes so understanding crps should be more recognised n its so frustrating because some people dont understand its constant pain
glad to see alot of info on here about crps
from lisa n maria

Has anyone else on Ablehere.Com or a close friend or family member,

Ever had a Stellate Ganglion Block Injection before?.

www.privatehealth.co.uk/private-operatio...llate-ganglion-block & www.thh.nhs.uk/Departments/Anaesthetics/...e_Ganglion_Block.htm

As I am having one on Saturday 09th of May 2009 &amp; I am just wondering what I should except?.

&amp; If anyones had it, How long did it last for &amp; how often you have them, If they have worked?.

I've so fair been put on 50 mg Pregabalin tablets X2 A Day,

&amp; 7 Day Pain Patches 5 microgram/hour - Buprenorphine Transdermal Patch,

These seem to be helping slightly, with My Pain &amp; Discomfort, But its not tackling all The Pain Symptoms, But just seem to numbing them slightly, Which I am allowed to take on top My 8+ Tylex Tablets.

I am hoping to increase both My Pain Patches &amp; Morning &amp; Night Pain Drug to the highest levels I am allowed now through My G.P.

I've had some side effects to both drugs &amp; these have been increased wind, increased tiredness/Drowsyness, &amp; Trippy/Tripper Dreams &amp; Nightmares, &amp; One Trip on The Tube on: 12-04-2009.

But it still beats The Side Effects My Pain Specialist thought I would have, Which was throwing up or feeling like I was going to throw up.

I hope to hear from anyone who's been using or offered these Pain Treatments.

Hope everyone is well or ok :)<br><br>Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:39

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15 years 2 months ago #28973 by Scott_1984
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&amp;2 (RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2) &amp; The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 - Chat:

2 Must By Books For Any RSD/CRPS Suffer Are: POSITIVE OPTIONS FOR REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY (RSD) &amp; Medifocus.Com RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 Book - www.medifocus.com/2009/landing.php?a=a&a...p;mf=1&gid=NR015 - www.amazon.com/Positive-Options-Reflex-S...trophy/dp/0897934369 - rarediseases.about.com/od/booksandmovies/fr/rsd.htm


This is one of the most up to date &amp; Amazing Books On RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 &amp; It should also be read along with Medifocus.Com RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 Book - www.medifocus.com/2009/landing.php?a=a&a...p;mf=1&gid=NR015

POSITIVE OPTIONS FOR REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY (RSD) www.amazon.com/Positive-Options-Reflex-S...trophy/dp/0897934369 & rarediseases.about.com/od/booksandmovies/fr/rsd.htm & tinyurl.com/y8nbyx4

Medifocus.Com RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 Book - www.medifocus.com/2009/landing.php?a=a&a...p;mf=1&gid=NR015

Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:39

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14 years 7 months ago #30090 by Scott_1984
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1&amp;2 (RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2) &amp; The 3 Stages/Phases Of RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 - Chat:

I know I run this forum &amp; Have done since 2007,

But I don't have all the answers on RSD/CRPS 1&amp;2 &amp; The 4 Stages,

Or know where to find them all.

But does anyone else with RSD/CRPS 1 or 2 With The 4 Stages, Have An Over Argue to stratch/itchy the effected limb/body part of RSD/CRPS?.

I have tried looking for an overwhelming argue to itching/stratching the effected limb/body of the rsd/crps area, At: crps1and2rsd1and2.multiply.com/journal/item/1

But I can not find any sources/clear answers.

If I itchy/stratch any other body part that needs itchying/stratching &amp; Isn't effected by rsd/crps, It don't go red/purple, or make My skin peel, Nor does that needed itchy/stratch make Me go nuts :( :/

Does Your RSD/CRPS effected limb/s &amp;/Or Body Parts feel &amp; need very bad itchying/stratching?.

I've never thought to even link the to or ask weather they are or were linked, Until today.

I know some people on Ablehere.Com have had RSD/CRPS longer than 8 years &amp; A much longer RSD/CRPS diagnose of 5/6 years,

So I could do with some help &amp; advice.

Could the itchying/stratching badly only with the effected RSD/CRPS Limb, Just be coincidence or another underlying problem?.<br><br>Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2010/05/14 07:40

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