
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

17 years 2 months ago #1875 by Scott_1984
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

Does anyone else suffer from any form of: Mental Health Illnesses/Problems or Depression/Clinical Depression, if so tell all the Ablehere users your story & how it effects you with your normal day to day activities & mental health.

What type of Treatment/s do you receive for your Mental Health Illnesses/Problems or Depression/Clinical Depression?:

You can find more about: Cipralex Escitalopram or any other types of Antidepressants & how they work at The Antidepressants Post in this Depression/Mental Health Issues Forum At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...view/id,854/catid,49

For more information about: Talking Therapies/Counselling & how they can help you with your Mental Health Illnesses/Problems or Depression/Clinical Depression, &/Or how they may be combined with Antidepressants & other treatements, Please Visit The: An List Of Talking Therapies/Counselling Poast, At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1508/catid,49

If your not sure what an: Mental Illness &/Or Clinical Depression is, then go to The Depression/Mental Health Issues Forum Page At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...unc,showcat/catid,49 Where you gain further advice, help, & support, through each posts.

Need Uk One to One: Advice, Support, Help, For Your Mental Health Illness, But Don't Know Where To Look/Turn To, Then Please Visit: The Uk - Mental Health Organizations/Charities Forum/Post At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1836/catid,49

For more information about: Worldwide Mental Health Organizations/Charities, Please Visit The: Please Post Worldwide Mental Health Organizations/Charities Post, At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1847/catid,49

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17 years 2 months ago #1876 by Scott_1984
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

Only answer the questions you all feel comfortable with, & let the Ablehere.Com Users/Memebers help each other :)


What Antidepressants are you on now?:

What Antidepressants have you been on in the past?:

What dose of Antidepressants have you been put on?:

Have you had Antidepressants combined with Long Term Counselling/Talking Therapies?:

What form/level of: Mental Health Illnesses/Problems or Depression/Clinical Depression, have you been diagnosed with?:

What Treatments have you tried for your: Mental Health Illnesses/Problems or Depression/Clinical Depression?:

Remember if you are ever feeling:


You should always seek medical help/help from:

*General Practitioner/s (GP) (G.P.)
*Local/Any Doctor/s Pratice
*Your Local/Any Accident & Emergency Room/Department(A+E) (A&E) (ER)
*Mental Health Charities
*Family Memember/s
*Partner (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)
*Online Support Groups

You should always seek medical attetion if you feel/feeling:


For Uk - Mental Health Organizations/Charities, Please Visit This Post At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1836/catid,49

For Depression/Mental Health News Uk/World, Please Visit This Post At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...view/id,867/catid,49

For Worldwide Mental Health Organizations/Charities, Please Vist At: www.ablehere.com/component/option,com_jo...iew/id,1847/catid,49

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17 years 2 months ago #1877 by Scott_1984
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

I've been on: Antidepressants since: Monday 03rd of March 2003.

I was first put on: Prozac - Fluoxetine 20 mg's a day.

I only on: Prozac - Fluoxetine for one month, as they made me even more depressed/low/worse & even more sucidal.

Websites on: Prozac - Fluoxetine:



Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2007/12/06 22:44

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17 years 2 months ago #1878 by Scott_1984
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

I've only ever been put on 2 types of: Antidepressants.

The first was: Prozac - Fluoxetine 20 mg's day for 1 month, on: 03-03-2003.

Then on: Thursday 03rd of April 2003, I was put on a low does of: Cipralex Escitalopram, Around 10 mg's a day, which was slwoly increased to 30 mg's a day.

The Recomended amount of: Cipralex Escitalopram a day is 20 mg's a day. (The recomended amount use to be 30 mg's a day, in 2002/2003)

I was later put on 40 mg's a day of: Cipralex Escitalopram by Consultant Psychiatrist & my family G.P in August 2004.

I've been on 40 mg's a day of: Cipralex Escitalopram, ever since: August 2004 - Present: Thursday 29th of November 2007.

When I was first put on 40 mg's a day of: Cipralex Escitalopram in August 2004, it was meant to have been combined with Long Term Counselling/Talking Therapies for the 40 mg's of: Cipralex Escitalopram to take proper long term effect on my Moderate - Serve Clinical Depression & Anxiety/Panic Attacks.

But sadly this never happend through the NHS Mental Health Team, from August 2004 - Present: 2007 I only saw some one 3 times, altogether since: 2003 I have had 11 Counselling Sessions through The NHS Mental Health Services in Hackney in London.

Websites On: Cipralex Escitalopram:



Cipralex - Escitalopram Offical Websites: www.cipralex.com & www.lexapro.com & www.ican.co.uk

Post edited by: Scott_1984, at: 2007/12/06 22:44

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17 years 2 months ago #1879 by Scott_1984
Antidepressant/Treaments For Mental Health - Chat:

I've been Diagnosed with Moderate - Serve Clinical Depression & Anxiety/Panic Attacks since: Monday 03rd of March 2003 & the trigger point was the effects/aftermath of the accident/injury to both my left hand/wrist while working for Marks and Spencer Plc on: Sunday 13th of October 2002 (13-10-2002).

I've been Prescribed 40 mg's a day of: Cipralex Escitalopram since: August 2004 - Present: Thursday 29th of November 2007.

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