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About Me
60 and Over
Spinal Stenosis etc...........degenerative joint disease site impaired Macular degeneration.
meeting new friends
"lovin'" Life for today, yesterday is history, today a new venture. Keeping the spirit and making it happen :) Love Mother Nature, Bonfires,avid bird feeder, steward of the land.'Life isn't about how to survive the storm,
But how to dance in the rain.'
Lifetime "quiet tenacious Advocate" for the Elderly, poor , Homeless, Veterans and those with disabilities. Always assisting them all that is within my knowledge and training, with total assurance they one and all are with the "same Undeniable rights as all individuals"
Moon gazer. Ancestry, cleaning Veterans monuments ...outdoorsy thangs :)
Teaching life skills to the disabled and poor as well enjoying mothers natures arena having quiet time.
Enjoying Mother Nature all four seasons
Country etc
Too many to list em' all :o)
PBS However I do not watch as much as I once did. (and that's ok ) :)
Rosa Parks, JFK, Mother Theresa to list a few.
mired in peace beneath the pines in god' country enjoying all of natures arenas

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I am okay but not.




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