

My Photo
United Kingdom
About Me
18 - 29
liver disease
kidney disease
short term memory loss due to having a brain tumour removed
Reflux Acid
Problem's with my feet
meeting new friends
Hello my name is Laura I'm 25 at the end of this month, I have several health problems I'll be here all day explaining them, but I just want to meet and speak to other people who understand a little bit of what your going through, I don't want to bottle it up I don't really have anyone to talk, so would be nice to actually speak to some who gets what your going through.
If you want to know anything else feel free to pop up :)
I'm obsessed with tattoos I love them I have 6 of my own but I want more I have 8 piercings, like watching films/ series, drawing, music, road trips when I can, BIG Harry Potter Fan, there's probably more but can't think at the moment
Social worker for children, climb a mountain, sky diving
RNB, hip hop, reggae, anything really but not rock or heavy metal stuff
Spy, Identity thief, Boss, The Proposal, The Heat, Girls Trip, Rush hour, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings
Big Bang Theory, Cooking programs, to be honest don't really watch much tv that much anymore
Don't really have one
My younger sister and Mother
My Bed room......... Joking Valencia
My Penpal
Hello I'm nearly 25, looking for someone to talk to and has similar health problems like mine laurag310194@gmail.com

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