
Trump and his ban on Muslims!!

7 years 1 week ago #66971 by Justme64
Joely, you've got no idea how many times I've written this ánd it dis-appears . What I ment by America
Becoming 3rd world is like Africa,or India a third world country. I'm a decendent of immigrants, the biggest difference is my gránd parents didn't táke a dimè from Amèrica and àll there sons went to war making America What it is. America is 20 trillion dollars in debt ,nevèr in the history of this country have
We owed so much !NEVER. Śo let's re-cap the descendeS who helped to make America great .
Citizens born here can suck eggs and die of opi-oed addiction. By a lot of logic wants have become more important than needs . I'm just wondering will àll the illegals explain to their conterparts in line in Mexico
Explain why they STOLE théîr future..

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7 years 1 week ago #66990 by Justme64
Joely my reference to a number is how many immigrants is enough?

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7 years 1 week ago #66996 by SuperCat
He stays in a relationship with the Saudis though. The child molesting regime which represents the worst of militant Islam. He also seems to act like he hates Jews yet sucks up to Israel. Religion doesn't need to be banned but we should go for the Turkish Model of discouraging fundamentalism.

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7 years 1 week ago #67003 by Justme64
You've brought up several points. ,I'll try my beśt to Address them. After the last administration did that deal with Iran ,Bobo put a huge monkey wrench in the middleEast and a target on Israels back.
Trump is walking softly as not to insult anyone !
As part of the LGBQrstuv community ,why
Isn't there more of an out cry from the gay
Community against Muslims añd the way
They are killed?

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7 years 1 week ago #67012 by SuperCat
So there should be an outcry against all of Islam over what some Muslims do.

Iran has no interest in attacking Israel. Israel would wipe them off the map also if they nuked it which they already can by hitting Israel's Nuclear Power Station with one good spud missile. In case you are wondering Amadinnerplate basically said that Israel would vanish from the page of time not Israel will be wiped off the map as originally claimed.

It is simply that the Media has failed to correct itself. Even Wiki has been forced to admit that most of the man's translations are controversial. By the way the early Obama Era is asking for it's rumors of war back.

Also your whole stance that Trump is walking softly. That is not the idea I get anytime I look at his Twitter Feed?

Also finally... Do you really think that the fact that there is a genocide going on Middle East doesn't impact these arguments?

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7 years 1 week ago - 7 years 1 week ago #67013 by Justme64
I wish we'd never gone in thè Middle East
That's a fight will never win .
I'm old school( key word old) I bélieve it was
The chriśtians who were responsible since WW1 in keeping America free . Now multi cultural Is in, and áligénce is á concept. I
Owe nothing to muslims and everything to Christians

Trump is a strong leadèr, this is true . Foreign policy is a delicate dance though!
Last edit: 7 years 1 week ago by Justme64. Reason: Additional thoughts.

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