

I search penpal
I would love to hear from anyone, particularly (but not exclusively) from those in the UK: who would enjoy platonic contact via on-site mail (I don't use the chat facility and I turn this off). Though this is merely a preference: it would be particularly interesting to correspond with a fellow wheelchair user. A person's race, appearance, gender, disability and age are irrelevant to me but an individual's personality is important: I look for kindness and respect. I hope you will also read the remainder of my profile, thank you.
I would like to converse with females who have an opinion so we can have a debate about a variety of topics with maybe the view to talking on the phone.
I have recently lost my mobility, not completely
however but it means that I am at home far more than I would like to be. I am very lonely and isolated and desperate to chat to others and to make new friends.

I have ataxia which is genetic and quite rare. I sometimes feel frustrated because other people do not understand how I am feeling and how hard it is cope on my own.

I used to be very active. My favourite pastime was to walk miles in the countryside, now I am almost housebound.

I need new people in my life to talk to, people who are going through similar emotions and have a happy disposition as I try to keep positive - but we all know how hard that can be!

I will delighted to from you.

If after you read my profile you think that you would like to be my penpals.. I would be more than happy.. Just send me a message^^ - lheyoniy@gmail.com
Hi, I am 68 but feel much younger at heart and mind. Like to meet new friends here, gender, race, ability is not important. Interesting personality and broad interests are more important, I avoid strict religious or political topics for discussion. For the rest, everything is negotiable if you are open minded and do not necessarily want to get your right. I am humorous and right on down the man. Be welcome.
If anyone wants to contact me they can do so at: Skuype: brendan3248

email: grieselbrendan10@gmail.com or alternatively you can also use BrendanGriesel1@gmail.com as this is my primary email
I'm looking for anyone who wants to chat. I would hope for someone who can relate to anxiety/depression (or mental health in general issues), but I welcome anyone :)

Reach me here if you want: anxiouswgr@gmail.com
I'm looking for someone somewhat like myself; positive and able-minded, clean/ organized, somewhat educated, disciplined, independent, fun-loving, outdoorsy, healthy and down-to-earth. Must be emotionally stable. Must love dogs..
Hi, I am looking to meet new people. I hope to make new friends. I live in Rhode island. My number is 401-793-0417. only text please for now, Only looking for a Pen pal from the USA. ;d
looking for friends to socialize with either online or in person ok I know asking that is a bit unrealistic, even more so life partner/gf/truelove/relationship.
Hope to meet friends and share life experiences.
Hi Everyone,

Hi, my name is Phil. I live in a nursing home in Boston Mass, USA. I am 62 years old. Divorced with one son who is 34 years old now. I have a few things. The three big ones are: hydrosyefflis, which means "water on the brain". It doesn't effect my intelligence, but it can effect my balance. It's a long story. I have also suffered from a strong case of depression and anxiety. I have been battling that since I was about 16 years old. It is under control in this nursing home. They control it very well with medication. I would still rather be alone and I sit in the dark, but that is nothing compared to what I was used to for the past 45 years. I have lived here for 3 years now and this computer is all I have, so send me some messages and keep me busy talking to you. I'm kind of liberal, but I don't bite. I don't come to this site very often. You can reach me at : phigan781@aol.com if you don't mind personnel emails. If you would rather not, I understand. It takes a while to trust somebody. I just keep trying to find good people. Most leave, but I have some relationships that have lasted for years. What ever you would like to talk about, I am up for it. This is long enough. I'm better at reading emails than I am at writing them. Talk to you soon.


P.S. I am no longer living in a nursing home. I have moved about 1100 miles and now live with a wonderful woman who is 15 years younger than me. Everything worked out great. My email is : phigan781@aol.com. I never come to this site, so the only way to reach me is by email
looking for romantic honest pure heart lady with pure Honesty, trust and mutual respect with lot of caring heart
who knows how to hold on to a caring heart understanding about truth and relationship.
Seeking friends to write and socialize with online...
Happy to chat or write to anyone. Drop me a line.
I'm open to penpals of any background or school of thought.

I can go into great detail on a variety of subjects; I'd prefer long conversations on subjects that interest me personally, such as psychology/philosophy. Check out my profile for details.
European-born single female living in Los Angeles looking for people to email with, maybe chat and meet in person at some point. :)
Hello, I am Pedro from Madrid, from Spain. I am 47 years old, and I would like to know a real gay friend and myabe a love (who knows). I am looking for a mature man like me, (from 40 to 75 years old) who believe in friendship, in love and want to have a real friend to trust to, with time to cultivate a friendship. I don´t like hypocrisy, so no married men or bisexual men, I have clear ideas. I am single, I love nature, reading, music etc. I feel a bit lonely with anxiety and a bit depressive by my health. I can write in English, Spanish or French. Physical appearence is not important, personality or spirituality yes. No men searching only for sex or money. Unfortunately many men are only looking for sex and fun. I am a serious person, don´t like those who play games or just looking for fun. In case there is someone interested my email is: 188osomontes@gmail.com. Lesbian women are welcome too.
Hi everyone, I'm female, 47 years old, married and would love some penpals to email, text or chat to on msn messenger. I'm a loyal friend but very shy and quiet because I've lost all my hair to see autoimmune disease. I would love to hear from anyone around my or an age if possible from the UK but anywhere would be good. I like music, piano, reading, tv, animals and cross stitch. Email me at karusell100@hotmail.com. Hope to hear from you Thanks x
Hey! Feel free to penpal me!:) I'm open to speaking to anyone and everyone!
I would like to make a few new friends, I know its hard when your new or having a bad day. I dont always have access to internet so paper writers welcome too, thankyou.
Anyone who wants to penpal with someone in New Zealand
hello everyone, i would like to have penfriends from anywhere in the world, i have been told that i am a good listener with a cheeky but clean sense of humour, so if you want to let of steam or have a laugh please say hi
I would like to connect to mature and genuine individuals. You can mail me at priya20.shridevi@gmail.com
I am looking for a few e-mail friends to talk to.
i am looking for a very kindhearted friend, i can not do without and hoping that one day we can meet in person and share some life time together . maybe he/she coming down to meet me .etc. I really need someone to share my life with whom i can talk too about the world and how we can make other friend also become happy about their condition not to give up . because God loves everyone and one day there will be no more tears and sickness as the Bible says.
Looking to make connections with other people, any age, any gender. Email and perhaps whatsapp if we become friends. I have a severe disability so msgs may be short but always genuine and caring.
Hello I am new trying to figure how to join the forum. I'm on here because those of us who are disabled and caregivers can get so frustrated by small and big things. We need to talk to someone outside the box of our family and friends.
Hey I'm looking 4 penpal friend




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