Hmm. I am not exactly sure what to put in this section. However, if you want to be my penpal, let me know. I could use one. I would like to start out talking via message or email for a while, okay? As for gender, you can be male, female, or something else. I don't really care about that. I would seriously rather avoid the topic of sex as much as possible. There are no sexuality restrictions on who can be my penpal. Really, the only requirements are I have for a penpal are the following:
1. No bigots, racists, transphobia, or homophobia.
2. Have something in common with me whether it is an interest, common disability, sexuality, etc.
3. Be aware, I am an asexual male that is marrying another asexual male. This is called homoromantic asexual.
4. I don't do too well with people saying one thing but meaning another due to my language processing issues. So, use more straightforward language. I mean you can be as eloquent and verbose as you like as long as it is written or I can use AAC. Just try to be as straightforward as possible. If you can't do this, don't bother.
5. I only have one restriction for age. Be 21 or over 21, please.
6. I can't voice chat. Literally, I can't speak. I could possibly do voice if I can get my microphone to pick up my AAC device better.
7. This is the final one. Flirting is not appreciated. Keep this in mind.
Instagram: yathesu
Discord: yathesu#9525
Steam: yathesu
Switch: SW-2931-0701-6811
Battlenet tag: yathesu#1844